Do you need HELP with a new look Club Kit?
Designing a new fresh looking club Swimming kit can seem a daunting task. Don’t worry here at Printed Swim Caps we can offer all the help you need. In conjunction with our sister site wether it’s just a new design for a swimming cap or a full new kit, We can Do It!
We have the most amazing quality Sublimated clothing range where your only limitation is your own imagination.
Tracksuits, Polo shirts, Hoodies, Shorts and much more.
Any colour with any design. You get FREE individual names per top and bottoms. FREE Sponsor names and any design you like.
With a minimum order quantity of 10 units of mixed sizes if you want and a lead time of 4 weeks. Nothing could be easier.
We can offer a large range of OFF the peg options all customised with Vinyl, Embroidery, Bling or for large quantities Screen Printing with your logo or names.
With one off set up charges starting at £12.50 this could be an easy option for a smaller swimming club as individual items can be ordered.
Customised Swimming Caps
Customised Swimming Caps come in all Swimming cap types. We supply High Quality Silicone, Super Soft Silicone, Volume Caps, Dome racing Caps and Wrinkle Free Swimming Caps.
All can be designed with multiple colours in a design of your choice. FREE digital mock ups are provided for you to see and approve your new design. Although always bare in mind that the more colours you use the more expensive each cap is. The larger the order the cheaper they are as well. This is an important thing to consider when using a new design.
Please give us a call 01209 612959 for any queries you might have or if you are not sure which route to go down and we will Happily help you with your new club kit.